Monday, February 4, 2013

The U.S after WWI

1.) Describe the feeling many Americans had after WWI ...
Americans were tired of a lot of things.

2.) What were some reactions by Americans to their post WWI feelings?

- Many were stressed out, and were afraid of outsiders so they became Nativist, or prejudice against foreign - born people. They also became Isolationism, which is the feeling of not wanting to reach out into the world because they were afraid of getting hurt. Americans also had a fear of communism, which was an economic & political system based on a single - party government ruled by a dictatorship, this also supported getting rid of capitalism.

3.) What did the Palmer raids accomplish ? Why did Palmer do the raids ?
- Palmer was going after political radicals. Palmer was afraid of communism, but he did not find anything when he went after the political radicals.

4.) What did the KKK fear ? Did their membership grow in the 1920's ?
- The KKK feared the Red Scares, and they didn't like any other race besides the white's.

5.) What was the quota system ?
- The quota system was a law that established the maximum number of people who could enter the United States from each foreign country

6.) Was the quota system discriminatory ? If yes to whom ?
- Yes the quota system was discriminatory against people from eastern and southern Europe, mostly Catholics and Jews.

7.) Was Mexico affected by the quota system discriminatory ?
- No Mexico was affected, because 500,000 Mexicans crossed the border.

8.) Was Japan affected by the quota system discriminatory ?
- Yes, they were affected because they already had a part in the Gentlemen's Agreement.

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